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Saturday, August 1, 2009


Thinking about starting a the process of starting a business...or an existing business owner? Then you might want to read this...

WARNING: Do NOT Read This Short Letter If Your Business Is Currently Making You More Money Than It Was Before The Recession...
Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,
I have some important questions to ask you, and be honest with me here…
Are you struggling to get the results you’ve been hoping for, frustrated with the long working hours for little or no pay and fed up of humiliating cash flow problems?
Would you like your new or existing business to do as well now, or better than it was before the economic crisis?
Do you want to know the REAL reason some businesses thrive during recessions, whilst others struggle to keep their heads above water?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions...and you're ready to make significant progress in your business (and life), then it’s important you stop what you’re doing and read every word of this short letter right now!
Because in the next 2 minutes you’re going to learn how to quickly move beyond your current situation and turn your business and personal life into something so exciting, everyone -- including your friends, and family -- will be in awe of you.
A Weight On Your Shoulders...
Right now you might be wondering if this is an exaggerated claim and a lot of hype. But by the time you reach the end of this page you’ll know that it’s not.
Because let's face it...
Creating and running your own businesses can be one of the most stressful undertakings you will ever experience...
You may find yourself lying awake worrying about how you're going to make it through the next week; how you're going to pay your employees' salaries; how you're going to keep your creditors at bay for another day; how you're going to honour any more refund requests; how you're going to keep your phone, internet, gas and electricity on; how you're going to put food on the table for your family and loved ones...
The responsibility can drive you mad.
You don't know what to do...
You don't know where to begin...
Your survival instinct is screaming at you to "run away" -- but there's another part of you that knows too many people are relying on you to stay and make this work.
And their trust in you feels like a weight on your shoulders.
How do I know all this?
Because I’ve been there.
I’ve experienced the journey that every entrepreneur has to go through – the one that causes most businesses to fail within the first few years.
I’ve worked the 17 hour days for 7 days per week.
I’ve wasted -- and lost -- tens of thousands of pounds as a result of costly mistakes.
I’ve experienced the stress, anxiety, and frustration caused by humiliating cash flow problems.
I've made the common mistakes that kill so many entrepreneurs businesses and dreams.
The Turning Point...
However -- using the same information that you are about to discover in a moment -- I have since turned things around and:
• Taken two companies from minus zero to over £500,000 in less than one year.
• Started a new company that is currently on target to have a minimum annual turnover of more than £1,000,000 million within the next 2 years -- regardless of what happens in the global economy.
• Spoken at high profile conferences alongside some of the UK's most successful entrepreneurs and business owners -- including Alexander Amosu (Ringtones and World's Most Expensive Suit), Simon Woodroffe (Yo Sushi), Lord Bilimoria CBE (Cobra Beers) and many others.
• Been on national radio, T.V and in the paper...and was recently publicly acknowledged in the British House of Commons as an entrepreneurial role model.
• Helped thousands of other entrepreneur and small business owners around the world achieve similar results.
And I 've managed to do all this with very little effort...using the simple, life-changing principles you're about to discover.
But don't be fooled by the simplicity of what you're about to learn.
Because although these proven principles are simple and easy to use, what you'll shortly discover has the power to totally change your business and personal life in 90 days or less.
That's why the highly sought after business consultant, Brain Tracy, said...
"Success is Predictable!"
And when you follow the proven, tried and tested principles that I'm about to share with you, you'll find that your success becomes effortless too.
See, that’s the great thing about principles...they generate the same results each and every time – no matter where, when or who uses them.
Gravity is a principle. When you get out of bed, you don’t need to think about which way your foot will go. It always goes down, never up. Likewise, one plus one always equals two. It never equals three.
Principles don’t wear out, expire or stop working. They last forever. They are timeless, tireless and can NEVER be over used. Life is the progress of discovering principles -- of discovering what works.
So if you want to make RAPID progress, don’t fight against principles, flow with them.
And in the Laugh Last, Laugh Loudest video-audio program, you’ll discover the same principles that have made thousands of other entrepreneurs and business owners like you very rich and successful.
Here's the deal...

The first thing you and your business needs is a consistent stream of income, coming from satisfied customers and clients willing to do business with you on a repeat basis...

Your first problem, is the global recession, which is causing your customers and clients to be more selective about how they spend their money.
In addition, most of them see you as a sales person trying to get your hands into their pockets. And they don't know if you can really deliver what they need, or if they can get better value for their money elsewhere.

Hear that giant sucking sound?
That’s your second problem. It's the sound of your overheads sucking your hard earned money right out of your pockets like a Hoover.
Because regardless of whether your business is making money or not, you still have to fork out for your stationery, electricity, advertising, etc...not to mention your personal expenses like mortgage, rent and other bills. And if your business doesn't start making some decent money soon, you'll eventually become one of the many businesses predicted to fail very soon.
Your third problem is those long hours you're putting into your business. You're hoping that if you work harder things might improve.
But what you fail to realise is that the definition of madness in business is "doing the same thing everyday and expecting you'll get better results if you work harder."
As a result, you've become a prisoner to your business (I was one for many years).
And while you're waiting for that miracle to happen, your relationships are rotting away, your confidence is taking a bruising and your dream of financial freedom is slipping away.
And now the resulting mental fatigue and emotional stress is causing you to make bad business decisions.
Personally, I hate working long hours for little or no pay. I simply can't stand it.
And I'll bet you probably feel the same way, but that's just a guess.

If so, that's ok.

In fact that's a great thing.
Because in Laugh Last, Laugh Loudest you'll discover exactly how to:
Make Money In ANY Economic Climate!
Within minutes from now you'll know...

How To Survive And THRIVE During This Recession -- If you believe everything you hear or see in the media, you'd think that right now no one is making money and that every business is on its way to the graveyard.
The media feeds you this because they know bad news sells. And since they're in the business of making money, they sell you bad news.
But what they won't tell you is that lots of businesses are not only surviving, but also thriving in this recession (media companies included).
I'll show you how to turn things around and become one of the few who are making more money now than ever before.

How To Turn Leads And Prospects Into Repeat Customers And Clients Willing To Pay WHATEVER Price You Set For Your Products And Services -- You already know that the key to your business success is repeat customers and clients.
And you're about to discover the single, most important thing that will keep them coming back time after time. Do this simple thing and your customers and clients will send continuously send you more new customers than you can handle, grow your business and increase your profits.

Exactly How To Dramatically Multiply Your Income -- by spending as little as 30 minutes a day doing what Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Walt Disney and other highly successful, multi-millionaire entrepreneurs call the "minimum requirement for success".
Do this simple thing and not only will you become famous in your industry, you'll also dramatically multiply your income in a relatively short time!

How To Finally Put An End To All Your Humiliating Cash Flow Problems And Make Money Worries A Thing Of The Past -- We've all had our fair share of money worries and problems.
And you already know how soul destroying they can be. Especially when you have to turn to one of your critics for help.
In a moment, you'll know exactly what you need to do to finally say "good bye" to all your money worries and "Hello" to financial security -- and the happiness, fun and confidence that comes with it.

The Most Important Thing You Need To Know To Successfully Raise Finance From Banks And Private Investors -- Most people think the key to raising finance is a good business plan. Of course this helps.
But the reality is Bank Mangers and Private Investors give just as much -- if not more -- consideration to something else that most entrepreneurs lack.
And if you have a weak business plan but posses this important element, you're more likely to get the money you need. On the other hand, if you have a strong business plan and lack this essential thing, then there's a 95% chance you'll be leaving empty handed.
You're about to discover what this important thing is and how to use it to raise the start-up capital and business finance you need.

How To Avoid The Common Mistake That Destroys Most Businesses -- If you don't already know what this common mistake is and how to avoid it, then you're heading for a painful disaster that could cost you your relationships, your house and everything you value.
This common mistake is the major reason why most businesses fail within the first few years. And I really can't stress how important it is to your future that you address this problem right now - before you loose everything.

How To Overcome The "Entrepreneur Curse" That Most Business Owners Aren't Even Aware Off - Until It's Too Late -- I hate to tell you this, but there's a big chance that you're already affected by this little known 'entrepreneur curse' but don't know it yet.
It's one of those insidious things that hide right before your eyes where you won't see it -- till it's too late. In fact, it's the source of a lot of the confusion and frustration you're feeling right now.
Once you know what it is, you'll instantly be able to overcome it, so you can focus on creating real, lasting success in your life.

How To Quickly Develop The Most Important Quality You NEED To Succeed In Business And Life -- Listen closely because I doubt anyone is going to tell you this ever again...
You can have the best idea, business plan, product, service and location -- but without this essential thing, success is impossible.
Not only will you discover what this "make or break" quality is, you'll also learn some simple steps for quickly developing it and guaranteeing you never fail again.

How To Quickly Develop A "Success Personality" That Will Attract Customers, Business Partnerships, Lucrative Opportunities And Even Members Of The Opposite Sex To You Instantly -- Picture yourself being the center of attention at the next major social, business or family event. See everyone commenting on how much you've changed.
Visualise yourself radiating so much confidence that people you don't know rush to introduce themselves and offer you lucrative opportunities -- and whatever else you need.
That's how magnetic and charismatic you will shortly become.

How To Easily Overcome The Fear Of Failure, Criticism And Rejection -- Too many people never amount to anything in life or business because they're scared of failing and being criticised or rejected by friends, family and everyone else.
Following some simple but powerful steps I'll give you, you'll quickly develop so much confidence in your ability to succeed, that you'll no longer be held back by other people’s thoughts or views.
You'll finally be free to be who you really are -- without fear of criticism or rejection.

How To Develop Unwavering Confidence And Never Submit To Fear, Doubt Or Uncertainty Again -- If you're stuck in a job you hate, have a business idea but don't know how to get started, or are uncertain about the future, then this is for you.
Once you follow the easy steps your about to discover, you'll quickly overcome these barriers to success. Then NOTHING will ever hold you back from your dreams again.
You'll quickly take giant steps to move from where you currently are to wherever you want to be in life.

A Simple Technique For Getting Better Results, In Less Time, For Much Less Money Than Most People -- The fact of the matter is this technique will give you peace of mind, reduce your stress levels and put an end to all those feelings of overwhelm you're experiencing right now.
Develop this and you'll have discovered the secret to Microsoft and Dells success. You'll also know how to use it to significantly increase your profits -- regardless of what's happening in the economy.

How To Become A Better Leader And Build Effective Teams -- As you already know one of the keys to entrepreneur and business success is leverage. Or put another way, being able to multiply your output by getting other people to willingly help you achieve your objectives.
In Laugh Last, Laugh Loudest you'll learn something so powerful it can even have people begging to work for you -- for FREE.

A Simple, Scientifically Proven Success Formula -- so powerful it's used by ALL highly successful people; including Famous Entrepreneurs, NASA, Presidents, Olympic Athletes and Oscar Winners.
I'll show you how to use this proven method to get anything and everything you've ever wanted -- including money, material possessions, wealth, health, relationships, recognition, social status, respect, fame and even power.

How To Easily And Confidently Overcome Any Problem, No Matter How Big It May Be -- Let's face it, life is full of unexpected problems and challenges.
Wouldn't you want to know that no matter what happened, you had everything you need to solve your problems with no stress, pain or effort?

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